Lice Ladies Athens

Jennifer Lancaster

Owner Athens

Jennifer Lancaster is the owner of Lice Ladies Athens. After spending 25 years serving the non-profit sector, she and her husband Bo decided to look into starting their own business.  Experiencing lice in her own family and learning through friends that there are no lice treatment  services provided in the Athens or surrounding areas, Jennifer realized that her community  needed an option for people to naturally and effectively treat lice and thus decided to open Lice Ladies Athens. Using the acquired knowledge from Lice Ladies she hopes  to help families get  rid of their head lice infestations and educate on how to help prevent re-infestation. She strives to ensure each family treated has the best experience possible when dealing with the stressful  issue of human head lice infestations.


1582 Mars Hill Rd. Suite C,
Watkinsville, GA 30677
Call Toll Free: 888-324-5423

We treat each family in a private treatment room.  We abide by the HIPAA laws with client privacy.

**We offer multiple treatment rooms in each clinic**

**By appointment only**

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Ask Us About Insurance Reimbursement

October 9th, 2023|Comments Off on Ask Us About Insurance Reimbursement

Put your confidence in Medical Professionals. Does insurance cover a professional Lice Treatment? Lice Ladies

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